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September 2023
Glass panels are installed in the concourse area of the LAX People Mover train station near the Tom Bradley International Terminal.
Fireproofing helps protect the support structures inside an LAX People Mover train station.
This pedestrian pathway will connect the Tom Bradley International Terminal to an LAX People Mover train station.
This concourse will help connect travelers to the Tom Bradley International Terminal.
White paneling is installed in the ceiling of an LAX People Mover train station.
The last stop on the LAX People Mover takes shape near the LAX P3 parking structure.
White exterior paneling is installed on the largest of the LAX People Mover train stations.
This LAX People Mover train station platform will connect travelers to terminals 1, 2, 5 and 6.
August 2023
Utilities are installed in the ceiling of an elevated pathway that will connect travelers to the LAX People Mover.
A new roadway connection to an LAX People Mover station takes shape near Terminal 5.
Ceiling panels are installed at the LAX People Mover station near the Tom Bradley International Terminal.
Construction continues on an elevated pathway near Terminal 1.
This elevated platform will provide a new view of LAX's iconic Theme Building.
Concrete is poured near the LAX Economy Parking facility.
Concrete is poured an an LAX People Mover station rotary.
A pedestrian pathway is prepared underneath the LAX People Mover guideway.
Glass panels are installed at an LAX People Mover station rotary.
July 2023
Signal lights are installed on the LAX People Mover elevated guideway.
Concrete is poured at the entrance of an LAX People Mover station near the ConRAC facility.
Track switches are installed on the LAX People Mover elevated guideway.
Handrails are placed on an emergency walkway.
The LAX People Mover will travel over 96th and 98th Street on this portion of the elevated guideway.
Construction on the LAX People Mover guideway continues outside the airport terminal area.
Departing travelers on the LAX People Mover will catch this view of the Theme Building as they enter the airport terminal area.
Work on the emergency walkway and track switches continues near the LAX People Mover station near Terminal 1 and Terminal 7.
This elevated pathway will connect Terminal 2 to the LAX People Mover.
Guardrails are placed at the new roadway connection to the LAX People Mover station near the Tom Bradley International Terminal.
Construction on the largest of the LAX People Mover train stations continues near the Tom Bradley International Terminal.
City Councilmember Traci Park tours the LAX People Mover project site.
June 2023
Work continues on the outer façade of an LAX People Mover station near the P2A parking garage.
Work continues on an access road connected to Upper West Way and an LAX People Mover station.
The elevated guideway for the LAX People Mover train system extends 2.25 miles from the Tom Bradley International Terminal to the upcoming ConRAC facility.
Guiderails are installed on the LAX People Mover guideway near the P2B Parking Garage.
Work continues on a track switch location near an LAX People Mover train station.
The LAX People Mover train will help bring travelers from the LAX terminals over Sepulveda Boulevard.
Painter's tape is placed on an LAX People Mover emergency walkway.
Pedestrian traffic is diverted as construction continues at the intersection of Century Boulevard and Jetway Boulevard.
Construction continues at the traffic rotary outside of the LAX People Mover train station near the LAX Economy Parking facility.
Concrete is poured for the thoroughfare between the ConRAC facility and LA Metro connector.
Components for the LAX People Mover train guiderails are installed.
May 2023
Fencing and guiderails are installed on the LAX People Mover guideway over the P2B Parking Garage.
Glass is installed in the atrium adjoining the LAX People Mover station near the Tom Bradley International Terminal.
The passenger pick up/drop off area is prepared at the LAX People Mover station near the Tom Bradley International Terminal.
This overhead roadway will allow direct access to the the LAX People Mover station near the Tom Bradley International Terminal from Upper World Way.
Rebar is installed for a concrete barrier on a new overhead roadway connected to Upper World Way.
The LAX People Mover train will travel along this overhead guideway to transport passengers to the LAX Economy Parking facility.
Street lights are installed at the traffic rotary outside of the LAX People Mover train station near the LAX Economy Parking facility.
Travelers can expect LAX People Mover trains to arrive at station platforms such as this every two minutes during peak hours.
Asphalt is poured along 96th Street below the LAX People Mover guideway.
This portion of the LAX People Mover train guideway will help bring travelers to the LA Metro connector.
April 2023
These escalators and stairs will help guide travelers to the LAX People Mover station platform near the LAX Economy Parking facility.
Travelers will be able to see the new LA Metro connector from this LAX People Mover station platform near the LAX Economy Parking facility.
Work continues on the sliding doors at the LAX People Mover station near the LAX Economy Parking facility.
The design of the LAX People Mover stations allows natural light to enter and help illuminate the area.
Fencing and signal lights are installed on the LAX People Mover guideway.
From the entrance of this LAX People Mover station, travelers will have access to the LA Metro connector, near the upcoming ConRAC facility.
Workers utilize a hydraulic lift to continue work on the entrance to the LAX People Mover station near the LA Metro connector.
Concrete is removed to prepare for the new roadway elements parallel to Aviation Boulevard.
Under the LAX People Mover guideway, construction continues on the LA Metro connector.
March 2023
Construction on the LAX People Mover train station that will connect passengers to the LA Metro connector continues above Aviation Boulevard.
White metal panels are installed at the ground level entrance to a LAX People Mover train station.
Escalators and stairs are prepared at the LAX People Mover train station near the future LA Metro connector.
This LAX People Mover train station will help connect travelers to public transit, including the upcoming LA Metro connector.
Moving walkways are installed in the elevated pathways that will connect travelers to the LAX People Mover train stations.
White ceiling panels are installed at the LAX People Mover train station that will connect to Terminals 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.
The station platform for a LAX People Mover train station is prepared with exterior panels and sliding door frames.
Located between Terminals 1 and 7, this viewing platform beneath a LAX People Mover train station will give travelers a direct view of the LAX Theme Building.
Exterior panels are installed on a LAX People Mover train station column.
Construction of a viewing platform near the LAX Theme Building continues.
The final structural steel and concrete elements for the LAX People Mover train project were placed at this station viewing platform.
Travelers will experience a new view of LAX's iconic theme building when this viewing platform is opened to the public.
February 2023
Concrete has been poured and cured for the rotary outside the LAX People Mover train station station connected to the LAX Economy Parking facility.
Sliding doors are prepared at the largest LAX People Mover train station, which will provide connections to Terminal 3, Terminal 4 and the Tom Bradley International Terminal.
Concrete walkways and guiderails are installed on the LAX People Mover train guideway over World Way West.
A new elevated roadway will provide travelers with direct access to the LAX People Mover train station at the Tom Bradley International Terminal.
Fencing is installed on the emergency walkway at the LAX People Mover train station near the Air Traffic Control tower.
With many external components nearing completion, the LAX People Mover train station located between Terminals 1 and 7 is prepared for energization.
Scaffolding is removed, revealing the white metal panel exterior of the LAX People Mover train station near the future LA Metro connector.
January 2023
With most of the scaffolding elements removed, construction on the Center CTA station continues with the placement of ceiling panels and sliding glass doors.
Rails are placed on the APM guideway over Center Way.
Scaffolding supports work on the Center CTA station ceiling.
Roofing is installed at the Center CTA station, adjacent to the Theme Building.
The elevated pedestrian walkway connecting Terminal 3 to the Center CTA station takes shape.
Formwork is placed for the emergency walkway at the West CTA station.
Fencing and rail installation continues at the East CTA station.
The Theme Building as viewed from the East CTA station platform.
Escalators and a staircase will help lead passengers to the platform level of the East CTA station.
An elevated walkway over the P7 parking garage will grant travelers access between the East CTA station and Terminal 7.
Lighting and white metal panels are installed in the West ITF station.
Train cars are loaded into the APM's maintenance and storage facility.
People Mover train above the terminal loop
Central Terminal Area
People Mover as it rides by iconic Theme Building
Automated People Mover Guideway
Intermodal Transportation Facility East
People Mover train pulling into a station
Intermodal Transportation Facility West
Escalators leading to the Automated People Mover station
Center CTA Station Interior