LINXS Certified Firm Outreach
LINXS is partnering with Small Business Enterprises (SBE), Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE), Local Business Enterprises (LBE), Local Small Business Enterprises (LSBE) and other diverse businesses interested in opportunities on the Automated People Mover (APM) project. The Project provides a unique opportunity to invest in Los Angeles’ businesses and the people and communities those businesses support. LINXS has proudly committed to dedicating 30% of the Design and Construction value to certified firms. That commitment represents more than $585 million in work, an investment we are proud to make towards growing small businesses. At least $85 million will be entirely committed to LSBEs and will stay in Los Angeles County to strengthen the local economy.
In addition to the set-aside scope for certified firms, LINXS is also supporting certified firms through a custom mentoring program offered quarterly during the construction period and providing a series of technical training courses for certified firms working on and interested in working on the APM project.
Stay connected and register for future events, free trainings, and additional project information. Go to our Opportunities and fill out a Notice of Interest Form or email us at
For additional information on LAWA's small business programs, please visit: